Has rapid growth led to your old operating model being outdated? Now your business needs to re-align its strategy to stay competitive. Or maybe you need to reduce costs and redesign a more nimble organization to keep up with a changing marketplace… 是否覺得因為市場快速的成長而使得服務模式顯得已經過時? 您需要的是重新調整執行模式以保持良好的競爭力, 或者只需檢視降低成本,以及更高效率的公司組織, 以面對快速變化的市場。
Gain deeper insight into your organization’s capabilities, strengths, challenges, currentstate of effectiveness and performance gaps with a thorough in-depth assessment. 透過更深入的了解與評估,可以準確地知道您的優勢, 資源以及需要改進的地方。 在了解問題的根本原因後,我們為您提供幫助, 制定最適合的解決方案,以滿足售後服務目標。
Our mission is to help you reach your full after sales potential. 我們的使命是幫助您充分發揮售後潛力。
Our solutions focus on managing service drive capacity through consistent process improvement; we help identify behaviors that will optimize profitability, with a focus on retaining existing customers, recapturing non-franchise customers 我們的解決方案專注於通過持續的流程改進來管理服務驅動能力; 我們幫助確定將優化盈利能力的行為,重點是留住現有客戶,重新獲得非特許經營客戶
Established in 2019. iiQe is an Automotive Business Solutions agency based in Tokyo, Japan, our focus exclusively on all aspects of after-sales business.
Our dealer consultancy began in 2010. Not only as a company, but a network of automotive professionals all across the globe from the biggest automotive markets providing practical solutions to drive your after-sales business.
Our Services
Business Consultancy Compliance Audit Recruit & Employment
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〒164-0001 Nakano-ku, Nakano 5-18-20-203, Tokyo Japan